The activity dashboard encourages agents to adopt the software

Agents become valued and recognised

Reliable and complete operational data reported by agents

Real-time Performance management through SLA monitoring
The asctivity dashboard is just the beginning. First, you need motivated teams to reliably report all the data. Once achieved, it is then possible to measure whether there are discrepancies between the service and the contract .
The electronic activity log replaces the tradition pen and paper form (and remains legal). It continues to play a useful regulatory role to protect the company and its employees.
The MCE makes it possible to prove that the company has taken all the preliminary arrangements and the necessary actions possible to protect its employees, third parties on its site and materials.
The objective remains: An obligation to gives a qualitative guarantee to the safety and security service.
Managing the activity by constantly comparing the result with the objective transforms a profession. Continual improvement becomes the habit.
The real management of the security activity is a fun and serious game where we know at all times what the situation is on each site in detail: the events which have taken place, which are still taking place, the most likely risks to anticipate and each discrepancy that may exist between the tasks performed by the agents and what is expected according to the contract over the period (presence, punctuality, number of hours, number of rounds by team or agent, events processed, reports in conformity We are brought in to close any gap between actual performance and the contractual objective.
We can anticipate risks by creating quality "buffers" so as not to be taken aback and to be blamed for breaches of quality and penalized. Little by little we reach the goal. And this is where we start to increase the quality, professionalism and productivity of agents like his as a supervisor. At the beginning, we work on the regularity of the number of rounds. Afterwards, we tackle the number of hours worked before improving the punctuality. We are looking at how we can be more systematic in respecting procedures: for example, the actions to take when an incident occurs or the reporting of the incident. Little by little, we follow the implementation of improvement plans in the same way, and so on.
The secret: : 1. Record all the data in a reliable method 2. Understand that this involves the motivation of agents and a subtle but proven redefinition of their role which transforms their commitment
The key is to feed back the data that allows the global security management software provided by security to do its job of real-time management.
Almost all security players tell us: "We are going back up the data but we cannot count on it". Actors with instant reliable reporting coming directly from their security software or from management comparing the real to the objectives of the service ... can be counted on the fingers of one hand. How to have the reliable data in sufficient quantity to be able to count on it and use it?
We call upon Ozion which is the only publisher to offer the tools and the managerial recipe allowing its service providers and customers to provide data feedback of 98% of the planned information with a reliability rate higher than what is necessary to be operated with confidence. Simple tools that value the agent and help them rather than hinder them from entering information. And effective change management that changes the attitude of agents by modifying their role in the value chain.
Teams of agents often feel a lack of recognition are replaced by teams who are aware of the value they bring since they are the ones who create the essential data that transforms the activity and therefore increases its value. They just have to be convinced that the company understands the value of this work and that's it. This is possible because the management of the activity transforms it into a performance game in which everyone can stand out because the tool makes it easy to publicize the contribution of each team and each person. The emulation between teams and sites strengthens this virtuous circle.
When you get into the habit of achieving your goals, you become accustomed to thinking in terms of results rather than means
This evolution allows an improvement in quality and productivity: it becomes possible to take on new tasks.
Greater diversity increases the interest and motivation of an agent's work. This can translate into greater recognition their work. The virtuous circle can be strengthened.
In a demanding role like security, such an evolution which promotes motivation through quality will contribute to the professionalization of teams.
A significant number of seasoned security players stressed during their discussions about their need of motivating officers. If they are motivated, the data goes back.
The good news is that Ozion has demonstrated, deployment after deployment, that it is possible to change the way agents look and perform by motivating them. The fact that our service providers are able to reach and maintain a rate of reporting of agent information of 98% of what is planned, proves that it is possible and that an approach exists that works well. Adapted to the origin of our experience in airport critical services, this approach has evolved to show that it works as well, if not better, in the tertiary sector where the thirst for recognition and interest in its work is more strong.
The list of risks that the security department must know and manage is constantly growing.
A tool that automatically tracks all risks and uses predictive analysis to anticipate and thwart them at its best.
This is another direct consequence of being able to report 98% of activity data including all the events / incidents that occurred: their nature, their criticality, where, when and in what context they occurred. How they were managed, what worked well, what could be improved or simply faulty.
Analyzing this data allows us to see where the procedures were not followed and in the cases where they were unsuitable to review them and follow the new procedures to find out whether they improve things or not. We can study the sequence by which each event has passed, the quality of the agent reports (are they exploitable and when this is not the case, why?).
Ozion Eva generates a list of risks with the greatest probability of occurring classified by criticality and returned on a clear map with the indication of the possible impact, all the places most subject to the risk in question and the time scale in which it is most likely to occur.
From there, safety and security experts can use all their experience and wisdom to decide how to prevent their risks in the most rational way possible according to the resources available in real life slalom. Here we find the vocation of Ozion: to allow each user of our software to fully exploit their talent.
Benefits of Electronic Activity lof + mobile and dashboard
- Report 98% of the information that your agents should report reliably
- Manage your activity in real time by immediately identifying each gap between what has been achieved and the contractual objectives. Take measures to reduce any discrepancy within the time allowed.
- Anticipate to never be caught off guard in terms of quality: leave the penalties in the past and transform your relationship by sharing reliable information with all stakeholders - your client, your agents, site managers and operations managers
- Manage all your risks in one place, see how each event went, analyze the incidents and build your prevention plans based on the mapping of the main risks established by Eva
- Have the ability to challenge remotely what a site manager tells you now you have confidence in the quality and accuracy of the data in your Eva security manager
- win new clients and keep your existing clients
- Show your control of the entire reporting, monitoring and analysis of your proposed service.